Monday 30 January 2012

Sootcookie Ceramics

More adorable bunnies. These are from Tanya Laing at sootcookie (meaning sweet biscuit in Afrikaans). She has some pretty cool stuff and I've got my eye on a bunny with a gold face if I can smuggle it into the house past my boy.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Off beat Melody

These little eye-catchers are by Melody Watson of OffbeatMelody. Very clever! Like them all, but the little seahorse looks to be my favourite.

Wednesday 18 January 2012


I went shopping his weekend with my friend Amanda 'the panda' and we came across some cool stuff that made me think 'Right! time to blog again!'.

One of those were these really cute little notebooks by whimsy. Amelia is a South African illustrator who draws, mostly, a little girl with wings and a whole menagerie of other creatures. She loves foxes so these crop up quite a lot as well. I like the simplicity and so far everything I've seen is adorable. When she brings out a notebook with a bunny on the cover I will have to go get it! Heres her blog.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Karen Vermeulen

My last birthday I received not one but two cards designed by Karen! Both were super cute and had bunnies on them. I guess I'm a bit predictable like that :)
Karen Vermeulen is a freelance illustrator in Cape Town and her pieces are very whimsical. I noticed on her site that she also does wedding invites so maybe I can use her one day ;)

Monday 26 September 2011

Watch Art by Dominic Wilcox

As some of you might know the London Design Festival is just finished. A lot of designers took part and lots of cool one off pieces where made. These funky watches are by Dominic Wilcox. He’s attached figures to the hands of watches to signify the interaction between the hands, as well as the idea of fleeting time and unending repetition.
He says, “The miniature figure on the second hand moves around constantly and the figure on the minute hand appears stationary. I spent time thinking about the relationship between the two people, how one passes another repeatedly and I tried to think about when that situation happens in real life or in an imagined scenario.” Posted originally on Design Milk (check out their site as well for lots of designer goodies).

Monday 19 September 2011

Artist Xiau-Fong Wee

am trying to work out a banner for the site with a Fierce Bunny in it. While designing my own I couldn't resist this bunny by Xiau-Fong Wee. The cute little rabbit coupled with modern weaponry gives this quirky drawing some dark humour. She has also attempted a number of other fuzzy animals and I include some sketches of hers along with my bunny fav.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Be cover worthy Pillows

Ever wanted to be on the cover of a magazine? With these cool pillows you can at least pretend to be! I especially like the Vogue one. Found them on the Infmetry site although they don't specify whether they can be shipped to SA or who the original designer is. Wonder if we can do a local version, ie with Drum, Huisgenoot or Elle.